Monday 23 March 2015

How FRSC mismanaged FAAN recruitment exercise, beat up job applicants

Mrs. Emeordi a highly ranked Federal Road Safety Corps official (F.R.S.C) with one of her subordinates pictured above ordering a job applicant out of the interview venue. This article was sent in by a social writter who claims that job applicants were maltreated, beaten and brutalized during an interview conducted by the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (F.A.A.N) controlled by F.R.S.C officials. He managed to snap two pictures and get the name of the official (Mrs. Emeordi) who gave the order. Read article below...

Just as it is a norm after the Bachelor’s degree you proceed to participate in the compulsory National Youth Service Corp (N.Y.S.C) program. During this program you apply for jobs in order to secure a job before the program ends. If you are well connected you don’t have to have to go through the long process of getting a job, immediately after this program you are fixed up. I had finished my NYSC for over a year still unable to secure a job. I have applied to quite a number of jobs; few called me for interviews some replied that I wasn’t qualified. Keeping my fingers crossed not losing hope despite the situation in the country where only those on the side of the ruling political party and their praise singers get noticed and eat the good of the land in real time.

On this faithful day, a friend sent me a message that the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) is recruiting and gave me details on how to apply. Reluctantly with the feeling that “this is another federal government job” hope it won’t turn out like that of the immigration service?  I followed the instructions applied successfully after several trials. Having lost count of jobs I had applied for I forgot about the FAAN application. In the confines of my home I was given a four days notification to participate in an online examination by FAAN.

The deal day came and I got another message which reads “kindly note that you have been rescheduled to take the test Saturday 28/02/2015. Sorry for the inconveniences”. I  Waited for the said Saturday,  could not access my account, got tired of the whole process then on Sunday got a message I paraphrase “Technical hitches have been resolved as we want more people to participate in the examination”. Tried this time around the website was up but wasn’t granted access (still a technical problem). I gave up until 3 days after a friend said I should try again, I tried as he directed and it was a success. 

Reading the exam instructions 50% had been set as the pass mark, 50 questions 30 minutes and so on.  I did the exam, got 65% with joy that I had passed, waited patiently for the interview date. To cut the long story short names where published my name didn’t appear so i forgot about the whole thing. A week later I got a message inviting me to participate in the interview. 

It came too sudden I had to gather my things and prepare for a journey to Enugu, as  jobless graduates our employers can treat us the way they like after all we are at their mercy. I got to the venue of the interview and met a very long queue as usual which I joined at about 8:00am. Federal Road Safety Corp (FRSC) officials gave us queue numbers for orderliness.  I can imagine what will be going through your mind right now, I had same taught also, it was A FAAN Job and it was been controlled by FRSC. I still ask myself today what relation they have. Some said the Minister of Aviation was the former FRSC head, but what does it matter?

Standing on the queue from 8:00am we saw a lot of corrupt practices that we couldn’t open our mouth to talk to avoid the unpredictable. The FRSC officials collecting money from some candidate to fast track entry into the interview panel, also it was rumored that Bayelsans had a means of recognition that allowed them to shunt the line.  Those who tried to complain or say anything where either sent out of the premises, slapped or flogged with belt. Still on the queue around 5pm waiting for my turn to be interviewed, suddenly an announcement was made that any candidate who applied for data management officer II that scored less than 70 should go home. Ha! after getting a message, spending transport down to Enugu and also queuing since 8am till about 5pm under the scorching sun?. The people thought it was a joke and reluctantly stayed, until when one Mrs. Emeordi of the FRSC affirmed the announcement in a harsh and disrespectful manner. 

Mrs. Emeordi a high ranked FRSC officer in Enugu made this announcement severally shouting at the top of her voice and nobody seem to be moved by what she said.  Angered by our reluctance to quit, she decided to check the list manually calling each person one after the other checking their scores if they didn’t get up to  70% they were shown the way out, this move made people know how serious this announcement was. People decided to protest by peacefully asking question amidst many the important ones were 

“Why were we invited if we weren’t qualified?”
“On whose authority is this announcement made? And where are the FAAN officials?”

Those who asked these questions were battered, I can still hear her in my head, the voice of the heartless woman who has no conscience! Mrs. Emeordi shouting ”bundle him and carry him out of the gate”. This is a woman who is supposed to stand as a mother figure, this made people wonder if she had children at home. A lot of people were beaten, battered and brutalized and embarrassed for looking for a means of livelihood (job) in their fatherland by FRSC officials who am sure cannot boast of an O’ level result. I had to walk out to avoid been a victim of circumstance.

Some will say we shouldn’t blame President Goodluck Jonathan but my reply to them is “If the body is bad the head is to be blame” Taking you down memory lane; The Immigration recruitment that happened last year that saw the death of about 7 people, up till date nobody was punished for it.  The Minister Abba Moro is still in Government and only few days ago were the family compensated after a year. Elections are at the corner with heated campaign. Will the president ignore this? Or use this to redeem himself? Will he sanction the Minister Chidoka Osita or will the minister sanction Mrs. Emeordi to serve as a deterrent to others? Only time will tell. Mr. President the people awaits your judgment.

God Bless Nigeria.

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